Significant People

Accept that this experience taught you something you didn't want to know. Accept that sorrow and strife are part of even a joyful life. - Cheryl Strayed

Significant People

We will spend the two days exploring your relationships. Please review the following writing prompts. Select the one that resonates most for you and do free writing for at least one minutes but not more than 15-20.

  • Who is a person who loved you? Is there a specific time or incident in which you felt deeply loved and accepted? What parts of that relationship or person impacted who you are today? Is there more than one person you’d like to write about? Write everything that comes up.
  • Was there a time when you desperately needed love, acceptance, or help, but didn't get it? What happened? What did you need that you did not get? How does that experience still shape who you are today? Or what parts of that experience remain with you?
  • Who is a key person (positive or negative) you think you might want to write about? Why are they important? How did they impact your life? If they are someone you met in adulthood, how are you different by having known them?
  • Make a list of every mentor you had in your life. How did those relationships shape you?
  • What has your relationship with conflict been in your life? (Do you avoid it? Seek it? Fear it? Something else?) How has that impacted your relationships?
  • Write about a person who hurt you.
  • Write about a person who helped you.

Story List

Did this exercise wake up any old stories that you might want to write about one day? Or change some stories that you are already considering? Write those in your StoryList notebook. (We will make a final decision on what you will write in about 10 days, so keep adding to your list as you can.)

I believe great people do things before they are ready. ― Amy Poehler

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